Everybody likes to have a pen in their pocket, just in case they need to jot something down quickly or take down those all important details. Every driver should have one in their car in case the worst happens, tradesmen need them to give written quotations to potential customers and executives and students need them to take notes in those all important meetings and lectures.
So many people rely on them without realising it and because of this it makes a huge amount of sense for companies to use this opportunity to brand these popular promotional products and turn them in to a great tool for creating brand awareness.
To make these products work best, they need to be dispersed in large quantities which is why it is important to get value for money. Low cost promotional pens such as the value pen or style pen are a great place to start although the range of available printed pens is ever increasing.
The best thing about promotional pens is there ability to ingrain a brand in someones subconscious. Every time they use the pen the logo catches the eye..great for brand recognition!